Help & FAQ
This page is designed primarily solve any problems you may have in viewing the videos or downloading documents.
More Questions and answers will be posted as we receive new queries.
Be Body Smart videos are HD (1280 x 720) and as such are large files. You will need a good uncontested internet connection to run them smoothly. The videos typically require 8mb/sec provider quoted ADSL. Anything less may result in the video stalling or not playing. You should therefore TEST YOUR CONNECTION using one of our FREE videos available under the WORKOUTS menu : “Quad Quaker” or “Zap It All” at 6pm in the evening. If these work then generally speaking you are good to go.
Q. My video is taking ages to download. What can I do to speed up this process?
A. If our video stops and starts repeatedly this could be for several reasons.
1) Because your own connection is currently too slow or overused by other household members (Sky Box, PlayStation, X-Box, Netflix, PCs Tablets etc. You could wait or simply press pause on the video, let it load for a minute and then click PLAY again.
2) It could be that too many people are downloading the same video at the same time. We ARE popular but our videos are hosted on super-fast servers and should respond in a faster manner in a few minutes or so. Again simply press pause on the video, let it load for a few seconds and then click PLAY again.
3) More usually slow delivery is when the internet is at its busiest. This usually happens between the hours 5pm and 8pm (the worst time is at 6pm). You can therefore try again at a non-peak time which is almost any other time of the day or night.
Q. Can I save the videos?
A. Yes, so long as you don’t share or sell them. They are all copyright © 2015 Be Body Smart , all rights reserved.
Q. Where do I find my book once its downloaded.
A. It depends on what computer/tablet you have and which version of the software its running .
For WINDOWS the “default” is the Downloads folder.
On ANDROID the file can be found right at the top of the screen on the left hand side. You may have to drag down the grey bar downwards to reveal the folder. Press and hold the ZIP file for further choices.
For APPLE computers, tablets and phones .. you could try watching this video :- Please note that the video is from an external source so we cannot accept any responsibility for either its content or anything that happens because of its use on your computer/device. You can also FIND the book on your computer by searching for the word “” without the quotes.